Thursday, June 15, 2006

wondering whats wrong

its been quite some time that I have been wondering whats wrong with me, I am changing but I seem to have no control on those changes...I often feel low, betrayed, sometimes angry with myself, but unable to figure out the restlessness that is becoming such an integral part of me ...I have started loosing patience, often with people who are the only ones that matter to me, I have started evading and running from the truths that are facing me right in my i an escapist...i was not, but am i turning into one.
But why ? I have all that I could ask for, and now when I had wanted something so badly is so almost mine, this is what I am feeling...m I a maniac in the making..ha ha ha...I wish I could laugh at all the stupid thoughts that keep coming in my mind, but more often than not I keep re-visiting these thoughts...