Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Year 2008 :)

So prats, Nalin and myslef were out on the chilly winter night....welcoming New Year, it was an eventful day, with train delays, losing the way inspite of having GPS ( IT hazards I guess), an hour long Q for nature's call ;), but all in all we managed to stay warm and welcome 2008 on the streets of Boston with a beautiful firework was a fun experience....I am attaching pics here, though they are already there on orkut, but this blog deserves some color...after all it is HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008 :)....WHAT IS SO HAPPY OR NEW ABOUT IT ONLY TIME SHALL TELL....

The more I stress the better I get

The more I stress the better I get
everytime my steps fail to go on further
the heart pushes them forward, hoping for a better me, a better result.

In pursuit of perfection I often feel lost,
yet I find my way to satisfaction, an unending search for perfection.
The brain stops responding at times, but my heart is always with me, urging me to go on
to stress so that better I can get.

Time and again I have proved myself wrong,
when my body has collapsed, the heart has carried on,
a hope that has lingered all along,
and then more I stress so that better I can get.