Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cold November Rain! not literally

Every time it rains, it pours, very true indeed.
Cold November rain, sigh.
Its raining 'everything' under the roof, literally everything.
Free time, fever, fights, awesome dinners and nights , more money, plenty of travel, some sugar and honey.

Life has never been such a downpour of things, new confusions are splashing down,
joys roar and thunder, more ideas strike like lightening in cold cold November rain.

Misty 'together times limited', relief from the cold rain. Warm soups and warmer homes, life is a potpourri of all this and more.

Cozy welcomes, happy faces and happier voices, changing times and changing roles.
Split between responsibility and will, one cracks you down and other widens the crack, cold rain flooding it with muddy ideas, puddles of restlessness, drops of calm.
Patience my child December says, and cold November rain- here it comes again.

1 comment:

Prashant Das said...
